Rudra Prasad Pratap, 27, hailing from Nawalparasi, had been working at the house of the Khuranas for the past five years. "The khuranas still have not returned from Delhi even after the death of Pratap. The body was also given to Pratap's maternal uncle instead of his parents," said Master Thapa, Chairman of Nepali Workers Union, India.
Khurana and his wife were in New Delhi for a business trip last Saturday when Pratap was found dead by the police. His body was taken to Cooper Hospital for post mortem and later handed over to Pratap's maternal uncle, Dilip Gaudel.
"Rudra was quite happy working for the Khuranas and the Khuranas were behaved well with him. I am not aware of any controversies between them," said Gaudel. Gaudel also said that Pratap was planning to return home for marriage soon.